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France's leading provider of proximity data centers

A new generation of data centers local to your business

UltraEdge caters to all players in the digital sector, regardless of their size, industry, or profile. As a leader in shared edge data centers, we host and secure your infrastructure and data throughout France. Our platform is designed to facilitate the communication, exchange and distribution of your data. With our network of locally distributed data centers, we provide a unique level of proximity to support digital transformation while enhancing digital connectivity in regional areas.

Ultra connected, Ultra local, Ultra NOW!

Learn more

Why outsource your IT infrastructure hosting to UltraEdge?

The benefits of shared hosting

Scalability, flexibility, and innovation

Carbon footprint reduction

Geographic proximity

Extended connectivity

Maximum security

Robust reliability

French hosting sites


UltraEdge’s commitment to the environment

We believe it essential to measure the impact our activities have on the natural environment. The UltraEdge commitment to ESG is much more than a corporate posture; it is our prime source of motivation. Our reenergizing of an existing data center is one of the ways in which we are contributing to the creation of a more sustainable world.

Learn more about our commitments

UltraEdge data centers

Our solutions


UltraEdge operates a growing network of more than 250 hosting sites: 6 hyperconnected Netcenters, 84 local data centers and more than 160 POPs and ILA sites.


Each Netcenter hosts up to 50 operators to meet your constantly evolving connectivity needs. All our sites offer 100% carrier-neutral.

Local expertise

Our experts ensure the ongoing operability and maintenance of our proximity data center platform, providing precisely targeted technical support to deliver a guaranteed level of uncompromizing performance monitoring and rapid incident resolution.

Learn more about our offer

Our Lab

In our lab, we decode and analyse tech trends



Smart City: what is it?

A smart city is a city that uses advanced technologies to improve urban infrastructure, public services and the quality of life of citizens. It is based on the use of sensors, data management systems, and smart grids to optimize energy consumption, water management, urban mobility and more.

Smart city





Public cloud vs. private cloud: pros and cons

Choosing between the public cloud and the private cloud is essential for businesses that want to optimize their digital infrastructures. Each model has specific advantages and disadvantages that can influence the strategic decision. Explore these two cloud types, as well as the hybrid cloud, in detail to help you choose the best solution.






Submarine cables and the Internet: how do they connect to the digital world?

Submarine cables are the real arteries of the global Internet network, transporting more than 95% of data traffic between continents. These infrastructures, buried at the bottom of the sea, allow global connectivity. Once ashore, submarine cables are directly connected to data centers strategically located on the coastline, called Edge Datacenters. These infrastructures serve as access points to the network and reduce latency while facilitating rapid data processing near users.

Data center





Cloud computing security: challenges and solutions

Cloud computing security has become a major issue for businesses migrating their infrastructures to the cloud. With the increasing adoption of this technology, securing data is becoming essential to prevent cyberattacks and ensure compliance. Learn how to effectively protect your data and infrastructure in cloud environments.


